
Postler & Jaeckle Corp. - The Power of Labels: Beyond Basic Identification

February 11, 2025
tracking label for a clevis hanger with protection shield

The Power of Labels

Labels have traditionally been used in construction toconvey basic information, but Jesse emphasizes their potential to communicatemore detailed, actionable data. The goal is to build directly from the labels,an approach that maximizes their utility in conveying essential information forinstalling components accurately. With technology like Stratus, data can beextracted and printed onto labels, providing teams with easy-to-understandguidance right on site.

Despite labeling being a familiar tactic, Jesse argues thatits effective implementation can bring significant changes in workflowefficiency. The integration of grid offset information allows workers to knowexactly where each component should be placed, akin to how ironworkers labelsteel pieces on a construction site. This approach helps eliminate guesswork,ensuring components are installed correctly and swiftly.

Innovating with Continuation Labels

The introduction of continuation labels is anotherinnovative step Jesse discussed. This type of labeling evolves beyond theconventional A-to-A, B-to-B matching by using existing data to show the nextassembly’s connection, thanks to Stratus’s capabilities. This efficient systemsaves time and reduces errors, providing clear orientation for each assembly.

Achieving Efficiency with Task Labels

Task labels are being trialed in weld booths to streamlineprocesses. By integrating Zebra printers in these stations, completed taskssuch as fabrication automatically update the project’s status, producing labelsinstantly. This ensures that all components are accurately tagged andtraceable, facilitating a more seamless workflow from workshop to site.

Overcoming Challenges with Weld Maps

Weld maps play a critical role in maintaining accuracyduring field installations. Jesse’s team utilizes a package category systemwithin Stratus to track welds, aligning these with project test boundaries.This comprehensive tracking ensures that documentation is thorough andorganized, which is vital for successful project completion.

Standardizing for Success: Kits and Packages

One recurring theme is the importance of standardization toincrease efficiency. Implementing kits and predefined packages for commonlyused components ensures that project teams can spend less time sortingmaterials and more time installing them. Jesse pointed out the potential inmoving away from traditional sequences by attempting to install hangers andpipes simultaneously, which, although still in experimental stages, showspromise for future projects.

Conclusion: Embracing Attitude Shifts

The construction industry is full of seasoned professionalswho may be resistant to change, but as Jesse notes, adopting new practicesoften depends more on attitude than age. By focusing on efficiency, simplifyingworkflows, and leveraging technology, construction teams can achieve higherproductivity levels, marking a significant shift in how projects are executed.

Postler & Jaeckle Corp.’s journey through theseinnovations showcases how even small changes, like improving label usage andsystematizing weld maps, can have a significant impact. These advancements makeit easier for teams to complete tasks accurately while ensuring the safety andreliability of the build. As the industry continues to innovate, those who arewilling to embrace these changes will undoubtedly find themselves at theforefront of the next generation of construction practices.


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